Table of Content

Short Description:

The TOC Component is designed to provide the user with a quick entry point to the site. It gives an overview of the content and allows the user to quickly jump to the desired location.

Marketing Purpose:

To quickly show the user if their desired information is on the page and assist them in quickly accessing it. 


  • You can change the title "Auf diseser Seite"
  • The button "Alle anzeigen" can be renamed.
  • You can include or exclude specific headings.


H2, H3 included. One 'H2 Heading Excluded' is excluded separately.

  1. titleText: Auf dieser Seite
  2. includedHeadings: h2,h3
  3. accordionOpenLabel: Alle anzeigen
  4. excludeTitles: title-7d86f6d42c
  5. sling:resourceType: aida-component-library/core/components/content/tableOfContent
  6. accordionCloseLabel: Weniger anzeigen

H1 Heading

H2 Heading

H2 Heading Excluded

H3 Heading

H4 Heading