This component shows short info with numbers, symbols/images, and one very short explanatory text that consists of two to three words.
It is a short, visual information transfer for the user.
Type: Fact. Style: Box Shadow (optional)
- titleType: div
- jcr:title: 100%
- imageFromPageImage: false
- fileReference: /content/dam/aida-component-library/icons/environment.svg
- pretitle: Für den guten Zweck
- titleFromPage: false
- alt: Leaf Icon
- modal: false
- linkTarget: _self
- descriptionFromPage: false
- sling:resourceType: aida-component-library/core/components/content/teaser
- isDecorative: false
- textIsRich: true
- altValueFromDAM: false
- cq:styleIds: 1662633934004