Tefra component/baggage service component that represents a product (of a service provider).
User should get a short and concise product overview or be teased to learn more about the product
This teaser could also be used as Experience Fragments to serve the content in several places simultaneously by making clones of it. In this way, for example, the price of an offer could be updated by modifying only the source document in the Experience Fragment.
- jcr:title: Haus-Schiff
- fileReference: /content/dam/aida-component-library/icons/ship-transparent.svg
- actionsEnabled: true
- titleFromPage: false
- jcr:description: <p><span class="aidaFontSize14">ab <span class="aidaPrice">19€</span> pro Koffer pro Strecke</span></p> <p>Transport von der Haustür bis zur Kabinentür. Für An- und auch Abreise buchbar.</p>
- descriptionFromPage: false
- sling:resourceType: aida-component-library/core/components/content/teaser
- textIsRich: true
- cq:styleIds: 1642581709841
- jcr:title: Gepäck
- fileReference: /content/dam/aida-component-library/icons/briefcase-transparent.svg
- actionsEnabled: true
- titleFromPage: false
- linkURL: /content/aida-component-library/demo-pages/pages/reiseschutz
- descriptionFromPage: false
- sling:resourceType: aida-component-library/core/components/content/teaser
- textIsRich: true
- cq:styleIds: 1642581685362
To form a teasers group with the same height and a gap between them, it is necessary to include them inside a container and select the right styles in it.
- layout: responsiveGrid
- sling:resourceType: aida-component-library/core/components/container/container
- cq:styleIds: 1640174374131,1643023979594,1642499251674